Understanding how mitochondria are built, regulated, and maintained.
WHAT: The Niemi lab studies how mitochondria are made and coordinated across physiological contexts. Projects in the lab include understanding the mechanisms and regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis, determining how select mitochondrial proteins are targeted for degradation, and characterizing how post-translational modifications influence mitochondrial form and function.
HOW: We blend classic, hypothesis-driven biochemistry, discovery-based systems approaches, and mammalian physiology to understand mitochondria from the organellar to the organismal level.
WHY: Our long-term goal is to translate our discoveries into new therapeutics options that restore mitochondrial function in human disease.
WHO: We are now recruiting motivated, curious, and enthusiastic scientists of all levels to join our group!
What we do
Find out about our mission, the methods we use, and the research that takes place in our laboratory.
Join us!
We are actively recruiting new lab members to join us in studying mitochondria!